Wednesday, May 26, 2010

George my chinchilla

George is my very furry, super soft, friendly and curious chinchilla. George will be five years old on Monday May 31st. At first when I got him, many people were unsure of what exactly a chinchilla was. They said he looked like a mix of animals. He looks like he's part mouse, part bunny, and part squirrel. I just find him all around cute. Chinchillas like rabbits are part of the rodent family. I've had rabbits before but I prefer having a chinchilla. Chinchillas are super clean. Did you know they love to bathe themselves? That's right! George enjoys taking baths. It's like a treat for him. It's not a normal bath like you and I would have. Chinchillas bathe in a white volcanic sand. This is also why there fur is so soft. I mean incredibly soft. I love petting George and resting his fur against my cheek. Here's a link on information about chinchilla bathing.

I always get asked where chinchillas come from. Chinchillas are originally from Peru. Specifically the Andes. They are very quick and great jumpers. Chinchillas have very strong back legs like rabbits do. What I like the most about the chinchillas is that they do not have any claws. There hands and feet have no claws and no nails. Just imagine your fingers without any nails. That's what a chinchillas paw feels like. Here's a link for more information on chinchillas.

I already mentioned that George loves to take baths. A bath is like a treat for him. I have him take about two to three baths a week. However, George also likes other treats. He loves these dandelion snacks that I give him. I also give him raisins. Chinchillas will go crazy over snacks. George always comes out to greet me and to get his snack. I don't like saying no to him, but I have to make sure that he doesn't have to many snacks. He has to have a balanced diet, which includes pellets, plenty of water, and plenty of timothy hay. I also have to make sure he has some wood to chew on. Chinchillas like rabbits need to chew on something. There front teeth never stop growing so they have to chew on wood to keep them healthy and from growing too long. Here's a link to food enjoyed by my chinchilla.

Here's a video I found on a chinchilla getting petted. George loves to be petted too. He looks just as happy as this chinchilla in the video does.

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